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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - saltn.


Связанные словари


1) common or table salt, sodium chloride, sea salt, rock-salt: A little salt will bring out the flavour. 2) spice, spiciness, zest, zestiness, pungency, vigour, vitality, liveliness, pep, pepper, poignancy, piquancy, relish, bite, savour, seasoning, taste, Colloq zip, zing, punch: Yes, do invite Randolph, for he can be relied on to add a little salt to the dinner conversation. 3) (Attic) wit, Attic salt, dry humour, sarcasm: Her conversation is sprinkled with the salt of clever aphorisms. 4) See sailor, above. 5) with a grain or pinch of salt. cum grano salis, warily, cautiously, qualifiedly, qualifyingly, doubtfully, sceptically, suspiciously, reservedly, with reservation(s) or qualification(s) : You have to take what he says with a grain of salt. --v. 6) season, spice, flavour, pepper: The pirate's speech was salted with expressions like 'Shiver me timbers!', 'Avast there!', and 'Blow me down!' 7 pickle, cure, preserve, corn, marinate, souse: The book gives several recipes for curing ham and salting beef. 8) salt away. save (up) , hoard, put or lay or set by or aside, squirrel away, store up, stockpile, amass, accumulate, pile up, Colloq stash away, US and Canadian sock away: They were always terribly stingy, claiming they were salting something away for their old age. --adj. 9) salty, saline, brackish, briny: The water had a salt taste. 1) 0 pickled, kippered, marinated, soused; corned; cured: Do you like salt herring?
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